- Pentecostarian (Thanks to ROCOR & http://www.anastasis.org.uk/PaschaN.htm)
- Canon of St. Andrew sung by the St. Vladimir's Seminary Choir with Fr. Thomas Hopko and other from the 90's!
- The Life of Saint Mary of Egypt:
- English: In Print and Read Aloud (Remembered on the 5th Sunday of Lent and April 1)
- Arabic: In Print (Many thanks to St. George Cicero)
- The Message of St. Gregory Palamas for the World Today - Bishop Kallistos Ware
- Who's Who in the Great Canon of St. Andrew:
- A nicely formatted version from www.pravmir.com
- The original pdf from www.stmichaelschool.us
- A nicely formatted version from www.pravmir.com
- Antiochian Archdiocese NEW LENTEN RESOURCES Page
- Lenten Catecheses of our Venerable and God-bearing Father ST THEODORE THE STUDITE (AD 759–826)
- Excerpts from Great Lent: Journey to Pascha by Fr. Alexander Schmemann
- Simple Tips for keeping Lent in our families
- GREAT LENT: A SCHOOL OF REPENTANCE (Its Meaning for Orthodox Christians) by The Rt. Rev. Alexander Schmemann
- GENERAL TEACHINGS - Podcasts by Fr. Thomas Hopko (from the "Links" section of http://www.holycrossonline.org/our_parish/lenten_resource_center/)
- Fasting ~ Fr. Thomas reflects on the practice and rules for fasting (recorded after Pascha, before the Apostles Fast).
- The Pre-Sanctified Liturgy ~ Fr. Tom gives a meditation on the rich meaning of the pre-sanctified liturgy of Great Lent.
- Lent - The Tithe of the Year ~ Great Lent is considered the tithe of the year, during which believers try to be what they ought always to be. Fr. Tom, in response to a request once made of him, shares with us a list of "things that a believer would do if he were really a believer."
- The Healing of The Paralytic ~ Fr. Tom offers thoughts on the healing of the paralytic.
- Read The Bible During Lent ~ Looking for an inspiring book to read during Lent? Try the Bible! Fr. Tom specifically recommends certain books of the Bible during this season.
- The Annunciation ~ On March 25, exactly 9 months before Nativity, the Church celebrates the Annunciation to the Theotokos that she will be the Mother of God. God's declaration through the angel Gabriel, however, had a contingency attached. Listen to find out what it was.
- The Magnificat ~ As we continue to remember the significance of the Annunciation, Fr. Tom gives a helpful reflection on the Magnificat.
- The Prayer of St. Ephraim ~ Fr. Thomas examines the Prayer of St. Ephraim and why it is so appropriate for us during Great Lent.
- The Epistle to the Hebrews ~ Fr. Thomas explains the significance of St. Paul's letter to the Hebrews in our Lenten journey.
- St. Mary of Egypt ~ Fr. Thomas contrasts the story of the fallen, then raised Mary of Alexandria with that of another Mary— the Theotokos.
- The Descent Of Jesus Into Hades ~ Fr. Thomas uses the Paschal icon as an opportunity to clear up some misconceptions about Sheol/Hades and Gahenna/Hell.
- The Myrrhbearing Women ~ Fr. Thomas examines who the Myrrhbearing Women were and clears up some misconceptions about Mary Magdalene in the process.
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