- New Cell Rule of the Optina Elders
- NEW! Prayer
- Daily Orthodox Scripture - Fr. Alexis (St. Michael Church in Lexington) gives daily (audio and text) readings of the Bible in One Year
- Orthodox Study Bible in a Year Reading Plan
- English & Arabic Liturgics from St. Andrew Antiochian Church
- Why Do We Need to Go to Confession (phamplhet in the narthex)
- Thoughts and How to Confront Them
- The Process of Sin
- Metropolitan ANTHONY of Sourozh
- Saint Sergius of Radonezh Russian Orthodox Cathedral Liturgical Resources
- Communion Hymns - Thanks to http://www.stnicholasar.org/E-Matins
- Akathist to St. George ~ Thanks to St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Red Bank, NJ
- Internet Medieval Sourcebook Saints' Lives (Fordham University)
- Hermitage of the Holy Cross in Wayne, WV
- The Art of Wisdom Through Ancient Words: www.prudencetrue.comArabic / English Combined Lenten Texts (From Fr. Michele Najim)
- Online Lives of Saints (Thank you Father Gregory Buss of Blessed Memory!)
- The Life of Saint George by Abba Theodotus, Bishop of Ancyra in Galatia
- Same Life in PDF
- Hamatoura Monastery in Lebanon
- The Palestinian City of Beit Sahour is where many of our families came from
- The Church of the Holy Forefathers in Beit Sahour was the Church home of many of our families
- "Give Us a Word, Father” ~ Fr. Pavlos from St. Catherine's on Mount Sinai ~ An EXTRAORDINARY Interview
- New Digital Chant Stand
- The Dynamic Horologion and Psalter ~ "This site was created for busy Orthodox Christians who for various reasons are forced to be online for long periods of time, but who still want to be able to incorporate the Psalms and hourly prayer services into their daily prayer life. As such, the dynamic Horologion will automatically display the current prayer service as read when a priest is not available (i.e. a reader's service) and/or the current kathisma for whatever time it is, while still allowing you to manually view the services if you want to view the services for the day at any time. So if you just wanted to read say, Matins, you can get the Matins service for the day at anytime during the day." (From the NOTES section of the Dynamic Horologion and Psalter Website).
- http://nabay.forumotion.com/ ~ Arabic site from one of our parishioners. Has the scriptures read aloud in Arabic. Run by Abouna Boutros Elzein in Lebanon who several of our parishioners are "friends" with on Facebook.
- Indication of The Way Into The Kingdom of Heaven ~ "On several occasions I have attempted to compose an article on Christian life that would present the essence of what a Christian should know and do in a concise yet complete and inspirational way. Although many parts of this topic had previously been thought out and developed, how I could consolidate all this in a short format eluded me. Then I came upon a booklet entitled "Indication of the Way into the Kingdom of Heaven," written by "the Apostle of Alaska" — Saint Innokenty Veniaminov. Having read it, I understood that I could not write anything better. Everything in it is excellent: the content, the style, and the form of presentation. Therefore, I have gladly reprinted his sermon, making therein some minor stylistic changes. (From the introduction to the article on the Orthdox Information web site.)
- New Byzantine Publications ~ A web site of Byzantine Music by our friends Stan and Nancy Takis!
- Manual of Divine Services ~ Can be ordered in printed format from various sites including: Holy Cross Monastery
- Antiochian Archdiocese Music
- Marriage: The Great Sacrament
- Services including Akathist's: Apostles, Saint Raphael, Thanksgiving, Mother of God for Children ...
- Music from the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, Diocese of Chicago & Mid America
- Orthodox Christian Booklets from Bishop Alexander of the Russian Church Abroad
- Canon of Saint Andrew in Arabic
- Al Orthodoxiya Radio Station (Arabic Orthodox Radio). The Al-Orthodoxiya Radio Station services began in November 2006. It is sponsored by the Bosra Al-Sham, Horan, Mount of Arabs and the Golan of Archbishop Saba (http://orthodoxwiki.org/Orthodoxiya)
- Al Bishara Radio - The nuns of Al-Bishara Holy Convent of Allepo sponsor the Al-Bishara internet radio station which operates 24 hours a day, mainly in Arabic (http://orthodoxwiki.org/Orthodoxiya)
- Notes on Arab Orthodoxy
- The Angel of Light and Spiritual Discernment in the Orthodox Tradition An Epiphany Journal Reprint
- Prologue of Ochrid
- Today's Reading from: Prologue of Ochrid - Lives of the Saints and Meditations
- Choose your date - Lives of Saints only
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