Updated 10/22/2024
- The four Orthodox Churches in Genessee County (listing of Churches at the bottom of this page) work together as a sub-group of the National Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM).
- Our Ministries:
- Correspondence: We have a variety of men and women in our parishes and elsewhere corresponding with around 40 male and female inmates
- On Site Worship and Teaching: We have two of our clergy leading weekly worship and teaching at two prisons, expanding very soon to four
- Post-Incarceration Support: We work with a number of inmates on parole or post parole to provide ongoing contact and encouragement
- Other Ministry Participation: Some on our team are working with a local "re-entry" ministry sponsored by Catholic Charities of Genesee and Shiawasee Counties called Offender Success
We are very much in need of additional workers in this field!
Contact Father Michael for more information.
Key Resources:
- OCPM web site
- Donate to OCPM
- Daily Scripture Meditations sent to inmates
- The United States is the Most Incarcerated Nation in the World
- An informative presentation by OCPM's National Director Fr. Stephen Powley may be found here
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