A Weekend with Bishop Anthony
(Many thanks to George Nassif for the photography!)
(120 images)

Pictures for specific organizations and ministries (e.g., Teen SOYO, Church School) may be found on those particular web pages; however, find below pictures of a general nature of our parish, our people and our events.

Entering the Church at Midnight!
Dormition Monastery 12/26/2013

Annual Brunch Recognizing our Ladies! - 04/29/2012
Every year, on the Sunday of the Holy Myrrhbearing Women, the men of the Parish Council offer a brunch in honor of the Ladies of Saint George (hmmm ...and why was it that there were women in the kitchen? Oh - advising?! Now I understand!).(28 images)

Picture of Saint George Church Flint!
Various pictures of our beautiful church!
(17 images)

Pilgrimage to The Tomb of Saint George in Lod - 08/18/2010
These pictures show the ancient church in Lod (Lydda) in the present day State of Israel. The pictures were taken by members of the August 2010 Pilgrimage organized by Khouryia Leslee and Father Joseph Abud.(32 images)
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